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Recommended List of Indigenous Trees and Shrubs

Recommended List of Indigenous Trees and Shrubs for River Goose Estate

Plantings; Western boundary

Buddlea salvifolia

Buddlea aurantiaca

Rhus dentata

Celtis africana

Leucosidea sericea

Haleria lucida

Podocarpus latifolius

Kiggeleria Africana

Rhamnus prunoides

Acacia sieberana

Plantings; Road verges.

Celtis africana

Calodendrum capensis

Harpephyllum caffrum

Acacia sieberana

Podocarpus henkeli

Dais cotonofolia

Buddlea salvifolia

Clerodendrum glabrum

Plantings; Riverine Zone Rehabilitation

Leucosidea sericea

Rhus dentate

Rhus pentheri

Acacia sieberana

Rhus Montana

Zizyphus mucronata

Note :

1.Further species to be added following riverine vegetation survey.

2.The “mix” of species on the western boundary should be random and planted to form clumped compoisition the object being to secure a dense screen effect.

3.The riverine area should be planted following the removal of alien vegetation. It has been suggested( Mrs Fowler) that a municipal area containing utility structures on the opposite side of the river should also be planted to screen out these unsightly buildings from Rivergoose.Permission to undertake this should first be obtained from the uMngeni Municip.

  1. It should be noted that the original list of trees and shrubs submitted as part of the final scoping report as species suitable for the area, remains in place . The above list is drawn from that source and is based on frost hardy types that should
  2. As a general principle the importance of encouraging retention in the open spaces , both private and communal, of existing grassland cannot be over emphasized. Consequently,the use of large, tall evergreen trees with heavy shade footprints, on the road verges and open spaces should be restricted in favour of smaller deciduous species.